nerds only

i was in such an intense mood last night that i cleared out and destroyed an entire plane of Oblivion, a quest that can take an hour or so, in about ten minutes.

also, Pirates of the Caribbean was awful, but made fun with a bottle of rum

Comments (5) left to “nerds only”

  1. Allison wrote:

    oh GOD, your just like these drunk teenagers that we at the theater when we saw it, when one of them SMASHED my foot! i did not like them at all.

  2. Evan wrote:

    JUST like them? no, I did not smash your foot. so there. also, i wasnt loud or anything, just tipsy and laughing at plot points and lack of motive.

  3. Joel wrote:

    I would also like to point out that Evan doesn’t dress like a “gangster” like Mr. Footstepper. At least not all the time…

  4. Ben wrote:

    What exactly is an intense mood, and why were you in one

  5. Evan wrote:

    it was a less angsty way of saying angry and frustrated